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Giacomo Tarquini

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Giacomo Tarquini

Viene presentato un caso clinico di rimozione di un impianto endosseo fratturato associato a simultaneo inserimento di due impianti ultra-short (5x5 mm. e 5x6 mm.) allo scopo di offrire al paziente una riabilitazione protesica in tempi brevi e con una morbilità estremamente contenuta, evitando interventi chirurgici piu' invasivi.


Immagine clinica preoperatoria




Esame RX endorale preoperatoria




Esami radiografici di 2° livello per la valutazione dei volumi ossei residui




La pianificazione prechirurgica evidenzia una disponibilità ossea in senso verticale pari a 6,18 mm. e 4,97 mm. in corrispondenza dei futuri siti implantari




Per mezzo di un' incisione crestale viene sollevato un lembo a spessore totale che espone il sito chirurgico




Riferimenti bibliografici




Immagine intraoperatoria che mostra l' impianto fratturato




Rimozione dell' impianto fratturato per mezzo di inserti ad ultrasuoni montati su manipolo piezoelettrico




Fasi della rimozione implantare




Impianto fratturato




Viene programmato il contestuale inserimento di due impianti ultra-short a esagono esterno allo scopo di offrire al paziente una riabilitazione protesica in tempi brevi e con una morbilità estremamente contenuta, evitando interventi chirurgici piu' invasivi (ad es. sinus lifting)




Inserimento di un impianto 5x6 mm. nel sito distale mediante inserti ad ultrasuoni montati su manipolo piezoelettrico e frese da osseodensificazione allo scopo di incrementare localmente la qualità ossea






Inserimento di un impianto 5x5 mm. nel sito mesiale mediante inserti ad ultrasuoni montati su manipolo piezoelettrico e frese da osseodensificazione allo scopo di incrementare localmente la qualità ossea






Impianti inseriti




Sutura a punti staccati in monofilamento 5/0




Riferimenti bibliografici




Esame RX endorale postperatoria




L' aspetto dei tessuti molli in 7a giornata postoperatoria evidenzia una corretta guarigione




un saluto

Giacomo Tarquini

Modificato da Giacomo Tarquini
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Giuseppe Riccardi

ciao Giacomo

che esperienza-follow up hai con questi impianti?

che marca sono (se non si puo' scrivere qui magari potresti in privato a giusepperosarioriccardi

grazie giuseppe riccardi

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Giuseppe Riccardi
48 minuti fa, Giacomo Tarquini dice:

Ciao Giuseppe, personalmente impiego già da molti anni impianti short (5-6 mm.) nelle piu' svariate situazioni cliniche e, in accordo con le evidenze disponibili in letteratura, i miei risultati (per quello zero che possono valere) sia in termini di SR che di MBL sono assolutamente sovrapponibili a quelli ottenuti con impianti standard; dal punto di vista clinico, li considero un validissimo ausilio per evitare interventi di chirurgia maggiore (ad es. GBR verticale o sinus lifting).


Poichè, come anticipato, la nostra esperienza personale conta relativamente poco (la mia in primis... :vergogna!) allego una piccola selezione bibliografica costituita da alcuni tra i piu' citati lavori sull' argomento: 


Gastaldi G. Short implants as an alternative to crestal sinus lift: a 3-year multicentre randomised controlled trial. Eur J Oral Implantol 2017;10(4):391–400

Cannizzaro G. Early implant loading in the atrophic posterior maxilla: 1-stage lateral versus crestal sinus lift and 8 mm hydroxyapatite-coated implants. A 5-year randomised controlled trial. Eur J Oral Implantol 2013;6: 13–25.

Esposito M. Three-year results from a randomised controlled trial comparing prostheses supported by 5-mm long implants or by longer implants in augmented bone in posterior atrophic edentulous jaws. Eur J Oral Implantol 2014;7: 383–395.

Pistilli R, Felice P, Cannizzaro G, Piatelli M, Corvino V, Barausse C, et al. Posterior atrophic jaws rehabilitated with prostheses supported by 6 mm long 4 mm wide implants or by longer implants in augmented bone. One-year postloading results from a pilot randomised controlled trial. Eur J Oral Implantol 2013;6: 359–372.

Thoma DS, Haas R, Tutak M, Garcia A, Schincaglia GP, Hammerle CH. Randomized controlled multicentre study comparing short dental implants (6 mm) versus longer dental implants (11-15 mm) in combination with sinus floor elevation procedures. Part 1: demographics and patient-reported outcomes at 1 year of loading. J Clin Periodontol 2015;42:72-80.

Esposito M, Barausse C, Pistilli R, Sammartino G, Grandi G, Felice P. Short implants versus bone augmentation for placing longer implants in atrophic maxillae: One-year postloading results of a pilot randomised controlled trial. Eur J Oral Implantol 2015;8: 257–268.

Bollè C, Felice P, Barausse C, Pistilli R, Trullenque-Eriksson A, Esposito M. Four mm-long versus longer implants in augmented bone in posterior atrophic jaws: One year postloading results from a multicentre randomised controlled trial. Eur J Oral Implantol 2016;9: 393–409.

Felice P, Pistilli R, Barausse C, Bruno V, Trullenque- Eriksson A, Esposito M. Short implants as an alternative to crestal sinus lift: A 1-year multicentre randomised controlled trial. Eur J Oral Implantol 2015;8: 375–384.


PS: qui sotto un altro esempio di short implant in un sito postestrattivo:



un saluto

Giacomo Tarquini


per  quello che puo' valere anche io non ho notato differenze di performance rispetto agli impianti di dimensione standard, ma non sono mai andato sotto 1 sei mm e ho sempre posizionato sottocrestale.

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Giuseppe Riccardi
22 ore fa, Giacomo Tarquini dice:

Nel presente caso gli impianti avevano una connessione ad esagono esterno: per questo motivo sono stati inseriti in posizione equicrestale.


Impianti con connessione a esagono interno andrebbero inseriti in posizione leggeremente subcrestale (come in questo caso):




un saluto

Giacomo Tarquini

si proprio per quello lo dicevo

io ho usato molti 6 mm ma avevo sempre 8 mm di osso o il seno per fare rialzo

vedi questo 


invece con questi con connessione esterna posizionando equicrestale puoi usare anche siti con altezza veramente ridotta

ciao giuseppe


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  • Giacomo Tarquini pinned this topic
  • 3 anni dopo...
Giacomo Tarquini
Randomized Controlled Trial
Eur J Oral Implantol. 2015 Winter;8(4):375-84.

Short implants as an alternative to crestal sinus lift: A 1-year multicentre randomised controlled trial


Purpose: To evaluate the efficacy of short (5 or 6 mm-long) dental implants versus 10 mm or longer implants placed in crestally-lifted sinuses.

Materials and methods: Twenty partially edentulous patients having 5 to 7 mm of residual crestal height and at least 7 mm thickness below the maxillary sinuses as measured on computerised tomography scans were randomised according to a parallel group design to receive either one to two 5 or 6 mm-long implants (10 patients) or 10 mm-long implants (10 patients) after crestal sinus lifting and grafting with anorganic bovine bone (Endobon). Implants were left to heal submerged for 4 months and loaded with reinforced acrylic provisional prostheses, and then replaced after 4 months, by definitive provisionally cemented or screw-retained metal-ceramic or metal-resin prostheses. Outcome measures were prosthesis and implant failures, any complications, radiographic peri-implant marginal bone level changes and patient's satisfaction assessed by blinded assessors, when possible. All patients were followed up to 1 year after loading.

Results: No patient dropped out, no failures or complications occurred. Short implants lost 0.70 ± 0.19 mm of peri-implant marginal bone and long implants lost 0.87 ± 0.21 mm of periimplant marginal bone 1 year after loading, the difference between the two groups showing no statistical significance (difference = -0.17 mm; 95% CI: -0.35 to 0.02; P = 0.078).

Conclusions: Both techniques achieved excellent results and no differences were observed between prostheses supported by one to two implants, 5 to 6 mm-long or 10 mm-long in the posterior atrophic maxillae up to 1-year after loading, therefore it is up to the clinicians to decide which procedure to use, although longer follow-ups are needed to understand if one of these procedures could be more effective in the long-term.


Randomized Controlled Trial
Eur J Oral Implanto. 2017;10(4):391-400.

Short implants as an alternative to crestal sinus lift: a 3-year multicentre randomised controlled trial


Purpose: To evaluate the efficacy of short (5 or 6 mm long) dental implants vs 10 mm or longer implants placed in crestally lifted sinuses.

Materials and methods: Twenty partially edentulous patients with 5 to 7 mm of residual crestal height and at least 7 mm thickness below the maxillary sinuses as measured on computed tomography scans were randomised according to a parallel group design to receive either one to two 5 or 6 mm long implants (10 patients) or 10 mm long implants (10 patients) after crestal sinus lifting and grafting with anorganic bovine bone. Implants were left to heal submerged for 4 months and were loaded with reinforced acrylic provisional prostheses, replaced, after 4 months, by definitive provisionally cemented or screw-retained metal-ceramic or metal-composite prostheses. Outcome measures were: prosthesis and implant failures, any complications, radiographic peri-implant marginal bone level changes, and patient's satisfaction assessed by blinded assessors, when possible. All patients were followed up to 3 years after loading.

Results: Two patients from the augmented group dropped out after the 1-year follow-up. No implant or prosthesis failure occurred. One short implant patient was affected by two complications vs one complication in the long implant group. There was no difference for patients experiencing complications between the two groups (difference in proportions = -0.03 %; 95%CI: -0.32 to 0.27; P = 1.000). Short implants lost 0.89 ± 0.25 mm and long implants lost 1.08 ± 0.29 mm of peri-implant marginal bone 3 years after loading, the difference between the two groups being not statistically significant (difference = -0.19 mm; 95%CI: -0.46 to 0.09; P = 0.165). All patients were fully or partially satisfied with function and fully satisfied with aesthetics.

Conclusions: Both techniques achieved excellent results and no differences were observed between prostheses supported by one to two 5 or 6 mm long implants vs 10 mm long in posterior atrophic maxillae up to 3 years after loading; therefore it is up to clinicians to decide which procedure to use, although longer follow-ups with larger patient populations are needed to better understand if one of these procedures could be more effective in the long-term. Conflict of interest statement: this study was partially supported by Zimmer Biomet. However, data property belonged to the authors, and by no means did the manufacturer interfere with the conduct of the trial or the publication of its results.

Modificato da Giacomo Tarquini
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